Money Lottery Gambling Spells

The money spells sold here are old black magic money spells and old black magic gambling spells that are cast using hoodoo, voodoo, conjuration and rootwork. There are powerful money spells to bring riches into your life. Real lottery spells and real money spells for helping you become financially secure so you dont have to worry about money all the time.. Win at the casino. Bring riches into your life. Win at all forms of gambling. Bring money into your life so you can survive through bad economic times. Powerful lottery spells designed to increase your chances at winning prizes and cash when you play the lottery and bingo. All of These spells are able to be sold at the low starting price of $10.00 each because ancient magic spells has generously donated the supplies needed for the spell casting. All spells come with a lifetime guarantee. The only requirement is that you tell us after a reasonable time of three to six months after the casting if they work or not. If you have any questions or comments i can be reached at
The Spells

Pot Of Gold Money Spell
- Are you having trouble making ends meet?
- Do you wish you had more money to spend?
- Would you like to be debt free and have a fresh start?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Pot Of Gold Money Spell cast for you. This spell helps you become more financially secure so that you dont always have to worry about money.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Break The Casino Gambling Spell
- Would you like to win more money at the casino when you gamble?
- Do you want a better lifestyle without having to worry about money?
- Are you tired of having to worry about every dollar you spend?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Break The Casino Gambling Spell cast for you. This spell helps you win at the casino, so you can live a better lifestyle and not have to worry about buying luxury items.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Lucky Red Dragon Gambling Spell
- Would you like to win more money playing games of chance?
- Do you enjoy playing all types of games for money?
- Do you wish you could have a winning streak once in a while?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Lucky Red Dragon Gambling Spell cast for you. This spell helps you win at all types of gambling casino, cards, bingo, dice, lottery.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Survive The Recussion Spell
- Are you worried about your financial future?
- Do you desperately need more money to survive?
- Are you afraid that your life savings will run out leaving you penniless?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Survive The Recussion Spell cast for you. This spell enables you to survive through bad economic times by bringing money into your life.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Untold Riches Spell
- Would you like to have plenty of money to help family friends and loved ones?
- Do you want to travel the world see exotic places and live a life of luxury?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had an Untold Riches Spell cast for you. This spell brings riches into your life so that you can do everything that you want to do with your life.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Lottery And Bingo Winner Spell
- Would you like to win at the lottery or playing bingo?
- Do you enjoy entering contests and sweepstakes and want to win?
- Do you want to increase your instinct at picking the right numbers?
- Do you want to increase your experience every time you play bingo or the lottery?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Lottery And Bingo Winner Spell. This spell increases your skill intuition and experience at picking winning numbers when you play games of chance so that you can win money or other prizes.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is