Beauty Attraction Weight Loss Spells

The beauty spells sold here are old black magic spells that are cast using hoodoo, voodoo, conjuration and rootwork. There are spells for all kinds of beauty and weight loss issues. Removing skin blemishes moles and scarring. Hair loss, Regrow hair. Remove wrinkles. All of These spells are able to be sold at the low starting price of $10.00 each because ancient magic spells has generously donated the supplies needed for the spell casting. All spells come with a lifetime guarantee. The only requirement is that you tell us after a reasonable time of three to six months after the casting if they work or not. If you have any questions or comments i can be reached at
The Spells

Help Me Lose Weight Spell
- Would you like to lose weight?
- Would you like to live a healthier longer life?
- Would you ike to change your life for the better?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Help Me Lose Weight Spell cast for you. This spell helps you lose weight, but you must work with the spell, stay active, diet, and exercise.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Help Me Age Beautifully Spell
- Would you like to age gracefully with less wrinkles?
- Do you want to age very slowly so that you maintain your looks?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Help Me Age Beautifully Spell cast for you. This spell helps you age beautifully as you get older.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Remove And Minimize Wrinkles
- would you like to have less wrinkles and look years younger?
- Do you want the wrinkles you have to start fading then become barely noticeable?
- Are you tired of buying expensive anti wrinkle products that do not work for very long?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Remove And Minimize Wrinkles cast for you. This spell helps to remove and minimize wrinkles.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is