Curses And Hexes

The curses and hexes sold here are old black magic spells that are cast using hoodoo, voodoo, conjuration and rootwork. There are spells to reverse curses and hexes. Break up spells. Spells to ruin a couple and spells for revenge. All of These spells are able to be sold at the low starting price of $10.00 each because ancient magic spells has generously donated the supplies needed for the spell casting. All spells come with a lifetime guarantee. The only requirement is that you tell us after a reasonable time of three to six months after the casting if they work or not. If you have any questions or comments i can be reached at
The Spells

Break Them Up Spell
- Is the person you love in a relationship with another?
- Are you tired of seeing them together as a couple?
- Do you think its a mistake for them to be together?
- Does it make you sad to see them together?
- Do you think that they would choose you instead if they were not in a relationship?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Break Them Up Spell cast for you. This spell causes a couple to break up.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Curse Them Away Spell
- Is someone in your life causing you to feel mentally and physically ill?
- Do you wish they would just go away and stay away?
- Is someone in your life creating stress or problems for you or someone you love?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Curse Them Away Spell cast for you. This spell gets rid of a person in your life permanently.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Ruin Couples Spell
- Is there a couple that you think should not be in a relationship?
- Is the other person that you care about is with someone who is an evil person and you think that they should not be together?
- You feel that while they are a couple at the moment, their relationship can not last for a long period of time?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Ruin Couples Spell cast for you. This spell ruins a couples relationship and can cause them to break up permanently.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Repel And Reverse Curse Spell
- There is someone in your life who does not like you and is casting their evil eye at you.
- You feel uneasy and upset that someone has it in for you.
- Your enemy is doing everything in his or her power to ensure that you fail and/or suffer.
- You want this person to suffer the humiliation that they deserve.
- You want revenge on the other party responsible
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Repel And Reverse Curse Spell cast for you. This spell repels a curse and sends it back to the person responsible for it.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Revenge Curse Spell
- Has Someone wronged you in your life and caused you nothing but worry and suffering?
- It will decrease their physical and emotional well-being and give them mental issues.
- They will feel alone and depressed.
- Their attempts at causing you grief will cause them to suffer even more negativity.
- Your enemy is doing everything in his or her power to ensure that you fail and/or suffer.
- You want this person to suffer the humiliation that they deserve.
- You want revenge on the other party responsible.
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Revenge Curse Spell cast for you. This spell gives you the revenge that you need to move on with your life.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Get Back At Them Spell
- Has someone harmed you recently?
- Were you recently victimized by someone? You feel that a certain person is not happy with what you have achieved and may even be envious or jealous of you?
- You have had enough of the problems that someone has caused and you wish to get back at them?
- Do you want to prevent someone who wishes to harm you intentionally?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Get Back at them Spell cast for you. This spell causes misfortune and suffering for the other person or people that harmed or victimized you.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Reverse Curse Spell
- Do you feel you are having a strange streak of bad luck?
- Do you feel something just isn't right?
- You can't explain it but feel someone is out to get you?
- Everything you attempt seems to fail, for no apparent reason?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Reverse Curse Spell cast for you. This spell causes misfortune and suffering for the other person.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Defeat A Rival Spell
- Do you have a rival that is making your life difficult?
- Do you want to renew a relationship with a certain someone and it is not possible for you to renew a relationship with someone until this person is out of the picture?
- Someone is thinking of doing something bad to harm or hurt you?
- You can feel the negative energy they are giving out?
- They want to cheat you out of what you rightly deserve and worked hard for?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Defeat A Rival Spell cast for you. This spell removes and stops a rival from causing you problem's.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Devils Curse Spell
- Do you know someone that is bad, evil or cruel to others?
- Has this person caused harm or suffering to other people?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Devils Curse Spell cast for you. This spell makes a person lose focus creating self doubt and confusion. It will also decrease a persons confidence and self-esteem. thier negative thoughts and impulses will slowly disappear.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

No More Being A Victim Spell
- Are you tired of being constantly victimized and picked on?
- Do you want to stop being a victim and be happt in your life?
- Is someone jealous of your personal or professional success?
- Would you like to put a stop to those that are making your life miserable?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a No More Being A Victim Spell cast for you. This spell will put a stop to those that are making your life miserable. it will also stop you being a from being a victim and it will make your life more pleasant and enjoyable. It will make thoes responsible feel fear, unhappiness, self doubt issues, and over time an extreme lack of confidence in themselves.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is