Luck Success Business Spells

The luck spells sold here are old black magic luck spells and old black magic success spells are real luck enhancing spells that are cast using hoodoo, voodoo, conjuration and rootwork. There are spells for changing your luck for the better. Bring you Good luck. Remove bad luck. Help you become a success with your business. Get good luck in almost everything that you want improved in your life. All of These spells are able to be sold at the low starting price of $10.00 each because ancient magic spells has generously donated the supplies needed for the spell casting. All spells come with a lifetime guarantee. The only requirement is that you tell us after a reasonable time of three to six months after the casting if they work or not. If you have any questions or comments i can be reached at
The Spells

Change My Luck For The Better Spell
- Do you fail at everything you do no matter what you try?
- You keep trying to tie up loose ends, without any success at all
- Any plans you make just don’t seem to be going right in your life
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Change My Luck For The Better Spell cast for you. This spell turns bad luck into good luck for you.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Thank My Lucky Stars Spell
- Do you get tired of watching everyone around you get lucky break after lucky break, while you strugle along unable to accomplish anything?
- Would you like to be lucky with different things that you want to accomplish with your life?
- Are you working on some things in your life and want them to work out well for you?
- Would you like to be lucky with things that you try to do with your life?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Thank My Lucky Stars Spell cast for you. This spell brings luck to every part of your life wheather you need help with love, money or success.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00

Remove Bad Luck Spell
- Is your life just getting worse?
- Do you think you might have been cursed at some point in your past?
- Does you or your family have extremely bad luck such as repeated layoffs from jobs, illnesses or early unexpected deaths in the family?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Remove Bad Luck Spell cast for you. This spell removes bad luck so that things can get better for you and your family.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is

Make Me A Success In My Business Spell
- Are you wanting to be a success in your chosen field of work?
- Are you tired of seeing others get promoted over you at work?
- Would you like to impress your boss or bosses with your salesmanship?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Make Me A Success In My Business Spell cast for you. This spell removes bad luck so that things can get better for you and your family.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00

Lucky Spirit Guardian Spell
- Are you wanting to have some more luck in everything that you do?
- Would you like to have more luck in your love life, career or personal life?
- Would you like a luck spell that just gets stronger over time?
If you answered yes to any of the above its time you had a Lucky Spirit Guardian Spell cast for you. This spell uses prayers, invocations and spirits to bring you more luck with everything that you do with your life.
This Spell is available in several casting strengths.
- Normal Casting $10.00
- Triple Casting $20.00
- Ultimate Extreme Casting $50.00
- Talisman Casting With Free Shipping $250.00
Requirements for the Spell Casting
I require the following from you for the spell casting
- Your full name and date of birth
- Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
- Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
- A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is